Monday, March 6, 2017


As part of the OUAN405 module , we had to produce a 10-sec-long animation using the pixelation technique. It was quite interesting to say the least , being my real first experience at producing stop-motion animation, which is an area that honestly never really interested me. My train of thought for making was pretty much similar to making any type of animation ,  being story board -> animation, without having to do all the pre-production stuffs like character design or animatic, since Im working with live actor. Another important fact was that this was purely an experiment on movement in pixelation , therefore there wasn't really a need for a narrative, which make the process much much more easy to work with since I literally just have to do straight-ahead shots , changing the movement as I see fit. Also , many of the difficulties in conventional animation like the 12 principles are also secondary, hence another hinderance avoided. All that was left was a very straight forward and easy process of shooting the pictures. I did however , had a general idea of what I wanted to film, being the people doing the frog swim on the floor there by highlighting what pixelation can actually do rather than just do regular motions. Stemming from that , I did shots where people would be spinning on the floor and even a little tribute to the Dragon Ball fusion transformation. Working with my classmate proves very well as they were extremely cooperative and even suggested ideas and scenes, which I would return the favour in their own animation. After finishing all the pictures, I was planning on importing it into Premier , but the sheer amount of the frames ( around 300 ? ) put me off from that idea , so I used an online service to compile it for me instead : They'd take all of the frames in and automatically put it in a sequence for me , with only the frame rate needed to be adjusted manually. Audio however was done in Premier, which I'm very happy with the choices really. Overall , a very fun experience working on this , which serves as a really nice first attempt at another genre that is not 2D for me.!

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