Tuesday, November 1, 2016

OUAN403 : Brief 3 : Animate it (Animation)

 This is first 5 seconds done in my 15 second animation. I'm quite please with it actually , the pacing is close to what I had in mind ( a bit slower would be perfect ) , the style is good and it has that "dramatic" sense. Also, animating in Photoshop is more intuitive than I expected it to be , albeit not without some minor technical difficulties. Timeline were easy to comprehend and through some screw-ups , I've managed to learn the difference between a regular image layer and a video layer. I also learned that this squiggly-line style is called "boiling point" or something like that, I'll definitely comeback to this style more often in future animation as it really make animating much less labour-intensive and more efficient as it removes the necessity to have lines traced perfectly on top of each other , especially for scenes that uses a lot of repeated frames
With that said, I'm really excited to see what the full animation will looke like !

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