Sunday, April 2, 2017

OUAN406 : New Ident : more scenes !

Continuing my development on new scenes for the ident , I've managed to come up with the final scenes that will be a part of my new ident idea:

This would make the total amount of scenes equal to that of the zoom ident, hence creating a uniformed motive. The shot of the eye will be the longest ( around 5 seconds) with the logo appearing in front of it as it moves along. There was a debate between actually animating the eye slowing opening with traditional methods and using after effects, but at the end of it , I feel that using After effects makes the scenes connects better to the previous scenes, as well as appearing way smoother while being less labour-demanding. With that said , I really like the slides I've created for this , even more so than the slides in the original zoom idents. This one just has a bit more character to it, and the nice contrast between flat images and hand-drawn is really cool to look at. Also , taking notes from the previous idents, all these slides are now done in 3000x2000 pixels , so when it is pushed back, there won't be gaps between the zooms like the last one.

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