Monday, February 6, 2017

Interim crits 1: Animatic

Today crits was focusing on the animatic , but also touches on the entire progress I've made working toward it . For the most part , everyone, including the tutor had very positive opinions on my work, commending my animatic on the timing , style and the clear portrayal of the story. My concept works also get praised particularly on the fact that I sketched out the layout of the entire room, which helped alot with making composition of each scenes. Audio consideration is also a plus, as it really fits in and create a contrast to the comedy factor. Matt did suggest experimenting with more Western style audio, such as the whistle duel music to fit with my original vision of a "duel" between the characters. As for the colour, it was like a happy accident , how the greyscale that I did for the story just for colour sake plays well with the serious tone at the beginning , adding more to the lunacy of it. However , it did not work as well as the end , as the punch line of the joke starts there. Other suggestions would be adding more subtle movement of camera , like panning just to add to that dramatic effect. Overall, Im very happy with this animatic , and judging from the crit , so is Matt and everyone else. Now to get on to actually animating it !

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