Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Storyboard : Broccoli

early sketches of the storyboard for broccoli's adventure 

In general , I was pretty happy with the  idea , the final thing would be done on Photoshop for a cleaner finish , plus shadings where it needed to be 

In the end , I'm very pleased with what I've done , as it is clean , visually interesting and easy to understand , the only missing thing would be camera and movement indications which would come later when I have printed this out. One negative thing about this would be , due to the limit of 12 scenes , some part of the story seems rushed , especially at the end. Personally I'd have like to add another frame between 11 and 12 , having just the tip of the pepper cracker to indicate a smoother transition/ better relation between the scenes, or splitting frame 9 into different frames , which would better explain it as a montage.

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