Friday, October 21, 2016

Sketchbook ! "Broccoli"

Im quite surprised that managed to squeeze out this many ideas on a piece of broccoli , albeit they're so ridiculous, in a good way that is ! The most successful probably would be the adventures of the broccoli on , as it just fun to draw and have more potential to generate a narrative!

The 3rd one is the most successful

Interstingly enough , some of the sketches were inspired by the broccoli's adventure one and some serves really well as world building material (back ground, scenarios,....) like the first 2 above !.

fun fact: Rom , Rabe and Raab are all real broccoli types

the 2 on each sides above was inspired by Ratatouille

I really the disco broccoli and the colouring ! Especially please with the lighting , for my first time using markers!


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