Sunday, March 25, 2018

LAUAN504: Weekly update for week of 19/3/18

First week of for our Documentary brief on :"Jack the Ripper" began with some initial secondary research including watching existing documentaries available online. After 4-5 of them , Myself and the members are now confident in our knowledge of all the major events and theories of the case. Out of all of those information we then decided to focused the attention of our doc on the murder of the 4th victim : Catherine Eddowes, as well as looking at it from police point of view. Our director Alex is currently now working out the concept for the animation itself. The general idea is that it will be done in format that is similar to 1800s newspaper , but with the images and text animated ( similar to that of the poster in the Harry Potter universe. My role now, then, is to start conducting further research as well as making contact with leading Ripperologists for our primary source (and possible voice over).

The list includes:

Paul Begg
Richard Jones
Philip Hutchinson
John Bennet
Lindsay Siviter


Style our documentary is emulating 

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